Ihonhoito syksyllä

Autumn skincare

As the seasons change, our skincare routine also needs an update. Read our tips for cool autumn skincare!
Syksyn ihonhoito ja Voima-sarja

Autumn Skincare and the Boost Collection

Autumn brings cooler temperatures and drier air, which can affect your skin’s moisture balance. So, let’s dive into the essentials of autumn skincare and focus on the Luonkos Boost Collection, the perfect solution for treating dry skin!
Luonkos tuotteille allergiatunnus - turvallista ja toimivaa ihonhoitoa

Luonkos products have an allergy seal - safe and effective skincare.

Products with the Allergy Label from Luonkos provide a peaceful mind and a sense of safety for sensitive skin and those suffering from allergies. You can easily find all products awarded the Allergy Label by the Allergy, Skin, and Asthma Federation in the online store under the Allergy Label section.
Luontoaltistus ja metsämikrobit

Nature exposure and forest microbes

Nature exposure refers to physical contact with the biodiversity of nature – especially the microscopic biodiversity, which encompasses an incredibly wide range of various microbes
Metsämikrobit | Luonkos

Microbiome of the skin is the guard of the body

Skin microbiome is all the living micro-organisms on human skin, that has an important role in the development of the immune system and protecting the body. It is important to use skin cleansers that do not wash it all off, but will gently maintain the balance.
Atooppinen iho

Atopic skin

Atopic skin is one of the most common skin diseases. 25-30 percent of adults have had atopic skin issues at some point of their lives. This means over one million people in Finland. Luonkos oil cleansing cakes and body oil cakes bring relief to symptoms of atopic skin.
Vanha kansa tietää; luontoaltistus huolehtii terveydestä

Old folks know; exposure to nature takes care of health

The game is not lost if life has been lived in the city. If encounters with nature have been occasional and cautious. If it's been ages since babyhood or if the baby has been taken to music class instead of the forest.