Syksyn ihonhoito ja Voima-sarja

Autumn Skincare and the Boost Collection

Autumn brings cooler temperatures and drier air, which can affect your skin’s moisture balance. So, let’s dive into the essentials of autumn skincare and focus on the Luonkos Boost Collection, the perfect solution for treating dry skin!
Jo Tuhansien Rakastama, Uudistettu Precious Intiimiöljy
Intimate oil

Already Loved by Thousands, the Renewed Precious Intimate Oil

Luonkos' oil serums and intimate oil have received new, bold packaging. Discover the renewed Precious Intimate Oil!
Miksi öljypuhdistus on tärkeää varsinkin kesäaikaan?

Why oil cleansing is important in the summer time?

Oil cleansing will revolutionize your skin care - it removes make-up, impurities from the skin, nourishes and even moisturizes the skin. Oil cleansing does not dry out the facial skin and maintains the ph balance. Oil cleaning is an effective and gentle cleaning method.
Uudet Särmikkäät Pakkaukset ja Uusin Seerumimme: Eternity

Natural Facial Oil Serums: Now with Forest Microbe Extract and Edgy Packaging

We are excited to announce the launch of our new, edgy packaging for our beloved serums and introduce our latest addition to the family: the Eternity serum.
Rantakassin luottotuotteet: Kuivashampoo ja muut kesän must-have tuotteet 🏖

Beach Bag Essentials: Dry Shampoo and Other Must-Have Summer Products

Summer is at its hottest and that means it's time for sun, sand and sea! The sun and water dry out the skin easily and it is important to take care of the skin in the hot summer heat. Whether you're going to the beach or going on a sunny adventure, it's important to have all the right products in your beach bag for an enjoyable and perfect summer day!
Luonnollista hehkua ja raikkautta jokaiselle kesäiholle, näillä luottotuotteilla

Luonnollista hehkua ja raikkautta jokaiselle kesäiholle, näillä luottotuotteilla

Luonkosin tuotteet ovat suunniteltu tukemaan ihosi terveyttä ja hehkua luonnollisilla ja korkealaatuisilla ainesosilla. Luonnolliset ihonhoitotuotteet auttavat sinua saavuttamaan ja ylläpitämään kaunista hehkua koko kesän ajan. Tutustu tuotteisiimme ja valmistaudu hehkumaan koko kesän ajan! 
Luonkos on vuoden 2023 luontoyritys

Luonkos is the Nature Business of the Year 2023

The recognition of Nature Business of the Year was awarded to Luonkos in Naantali as a tribute to their evolving entrepreneurship that highlights the potential of natural products.
Kolme vinkkiä tehokkaaseen ja vastuulliseen ihonhoitoon

Three Tips for Effective and Responsible Skincare

Three Tips for Effective Winter Skincare for Dry Skin: Gentle Cleansing, Effective Moisturization for Face and Body, and Lip Balms. With Luonkos Protect and Care Skincare Products.
Konstikas ruusufinni: Löydä Tasapaino

Complex Rosacea: Find Balance

Less is more in rosacea skincare. The focus is on calming the skin and symptoms. In general, rosacea skin can benefit most from gentle, moisturizing products.