Taliköhnän kuolema

The demise of talcum clumsiness

Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as seborrheic eczema or tali-eczema, is a common, long-lasting, inflammatory skin condition. It is not an allergy, and it does not result from poor hygiene.
Teinin iho ja hellä puhdistus

Teenage Skin and Gentle Cleansing

In the skincare routine for teenage skin, gentle cleansing is the key. Using the wrong type or overly strong cleansers is one of the central causes of self-inflicted skin problems.
Kuiva ja herkkä iho? Luonkosin Innocent auttaa

Dry and sensitive skin? Luonkos’ Innocent to the rescue

Regular use of body cake can reduce and prevent stretch marks, and relieve any dryness-related itching.
Vanha kansa tietää; luontoaltistus huolehtii terveydestä

Old folks know; exposure to nature takes care of health

The game is not lost if life has been lived in the city. If encounters with nature have been occasional and cautious. If it's been ages since babyhood or if the baby has been taken to music class instead of the forest.